Robert Johnson and Swamp

Robert Johnson and Swamp.
By Jim Vision

387 Delta Ave
North wall of Ground Zero Blues Club

Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil at the iconic Crossroads. In the trade he became the greatest blues guitar player of his time.

Based in London, he grew up in Barry, Wales. His creative journey brought him to Bow and Shoreditch, East London in the early 2000’s where the independent galleries, squat raves, and a glut of empty and derelict buildings paved the way for an underground art movement to grow.

 ​​​​​​​​​Happiest painting in the street leaving a trail of colourful graffiti across the world, Jim has consistently pushed the frontier of large-scale murals in the UK. His local stomping ground is proof of his endeavour with artworks notable for their eye-catching, distinctive style adorning unexpected spots, from street corners to rooftops.