Dr. Vera Mae Pigee / Shush


Portrait of Dr. Vera Mae Pigee
by Charles Coleman

Delta Ave. between 2nd & 3rd Streets,
parking area behind Delta Digs, Squeezebox and Hooker

Charles is from Clarksdale and is a photographer and artist. Dr. Pigee was one of the most important figures in the civil rights movement in the area, being one of the founders and the secretary of the local NAACP, along with Aaron Henry who gets most of the credit historically. She was instrumental in the desegregation of Clarksdale’s bus terminal and later got a doctorate in journalism. Charles works by projecting his drawing onto the wall to outline it, then filling in with a combination of spray paint and latex with brushes and rollers.



Shush! Silhouettes
by Christopher Keywood

Delta Ave. between 2nd & 3rd Streets,
parking area behind Delta Digs, Squeezebox and Hooker Hotels

Shush! Silhouettes of a man and a woman spray painting the building.

(Below Dr. Vera Mae Pigee)
